Title: What would it cost to end extreme poverty? Discussants Paul Niehaus Chancellor’s Associates Endowed Chair in Economics UC San DiegoEconomics Department Paul is an economist and entrepreneur working to accelerate the end of extreme poverty. He is Chancellor’s Associates Endowed Chair in Economics at UC San Diego and an affiliate of BREAD, CEGA, J-PAL,…
Causal Seminar: Maggie Makar, University of Michigan
Title and abstract to come. Maggie Makar Assistant Professor University of MichiganComputer Science and Electrical Engineering…
Causal Seminar: Maya Petersen, University of California, Berkeley
Title and abstract to come. Maya Petersen Professor University of California, BerkeleyEpidemiology and Biostatistics…
Causal Seminar: Elias Bareinboim
The reading group will meet at 2PM before the seminar. Elias Bareinboim Associate Professor of Computer Science Columbia UniversityThe Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science…
Causal Seminar: Avi Feller, University of California, Berkeley
Title and abstract to come. Avi Feller Associate Professor University of California, BerkeleyPublic Policy and Statistics…