The Harvard Data Science Initiative Faculty Special Projects Fund is intended to support one-time data science opportunities for which other funding is not readily available. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and funding will be awarded throughout the year until available funding is exhausted. The total annual budget is $50,000.
Applicants may request funding of up to $5,000 to support community-building, outreach, and educational activities, as well as suitably scoped research projects. The primary aim is to broaden the data science community at Harvard through activity and event-based knowledge sharing. Examples of projects that the Fund is intended to support include offsetting the cost of running workshops or seminars, data visualization or research dissemination, reading groups, and video production. This list is illustrative only and not exhaustive. The HDSI welcomes applications from all fields of scholarship.
To apply for support from the Faculty Special Projects Fund, please use this form to submit a proposal. Project descriptions should not exceed 500 words, and can generally be a paragraph or two. Please include a statement that funds are not available from other sources.
This program is open to individuals who hold both a faculty appointment at a Harvard school and who have principal investigator rights at that school. (Please note: Harvard Medical School faculty must hold a faculty appointment with PI rights in one of HMS’s Quad-based, preclinical departments).
* Funding to support stipends or salaries is available only in exceptional circumstances and for one-time purposes (e.g. production of a video, data visualization). Support is not available for tuition.